In Australia points earned from Challenge Certificates (CCs), Best of Breed (BOB), Best in Group (BIG) and Best in Show (BIS) awards are used to make the points required for a dogs title. CCs are only awarded at Championship Shows. Dogs over the age of six months, both champions and non-champions compete for points, awarded in the CC. Dogs require 100 CC points obtained at a minimum of four shows, of which 25 points must be gained after the age of 12 months, before they may be granted the title of Champion.
Judging is separated into dogs and bitches, and into age classes. Currently they are Baby Puppy (3 - less than 6 months, does not compete for CC), Minor Puppy (6 - less than 9 months), Puppy (6 - less than 12 months), Junior (12 - less than 24 months), Intermediate (18 - less than 36 months) and Open (6 months and over) classes. Champions are not judged in a separate class. Judging begins with the youngest dog class. Winners from each class then compete in the Challenge lineup, the winner being awarded the CC. Second to that dog then enters the ring to compete against the other winners to decide the reserve challenge winner. This is repeated for the bitch classes. The Best of Breed is then judged from the Dog CC winner and Bitch CC winner.
Points are awarded according to the number of dogs present, 5 points plus one for each dog. Thus if there is only one dog present he receives 6 points (5 plus 1), if ten dogs were present, the CC would be 15 points. From 1 January 2000 extra points were awarded for Best of Breed (BOB). The BOB winner is awarded 5 points plus one for each exhibit present (counted from dogs and bitches). For example, the dog CC may be worth 10 points as there are five competitors, and the bitch CC is contested by four for 9 points. The BOB CC would be 14 points and this replaces the CC. The CC for the opposite sex remains unchanged.
The Best of Breed winner competes against winners of the other hound breeds for Best Exhibit in Group. A reserve is also awarded - Runner-up Best Exhibit in Group (RUBIG). Best in Group points are tallied in the same manner as CC points to a maximum of 25 points. The winner of each age division also competes against those winners from other breeds for their respective age class in group. Winners of Best in Group and each age class compete against the winners from the other groups - toys, terrier, gundogs, working dog, utility and non-sporting for Best in Show and age class in show awards. Best in Show points are also tallied as per CC points. *A maximum of 25 points may be obtained in any one show.*
Ch Trezridge Uekoto CD
First Australian Bred Dog All Breeds Champ Show Best in Show Winner
Ch Usakose Social Standing
First Australian Bred Bitch All Breeds Champ Show Best in Show Winner
Championship Shows
Open Shows
Multi Best in Show Winners
Ch Amashutu Adalard
Gr Ch Bearstar Chilean Willow (B)
Gr Ch Bearstar Doulen Ko ET (2)
Gr Ch Caprivi Asgood As Itgets ET (5)
Gr Ch Caprivi By Patent (B) (4)
Gr Ch Caprivi Cool Hand Luke (2)
Gr Ch Caprivi Lex Luther (3)
Ch Chilolo EB Show No Mercy (D - current record holder)
Ch Groberspals Kane J
Gr Ch Kargnieulan Im Too Win
Gr Ch Kinshasa Special K
Ch Trezridge Uekoto CD
Gr Ch Bearstar Chilean Willow (B)
Gr Ch Skiska Warrior Princess (B)
Sup Ch Caprivi Im Chuck Bass (3)
Sup Ch Caprivi Run The Gauntlet (3)
Sup Ch Caprivi Ill Make U Famous (2)
Ch Caprivi Praise Be (AI) (3)
Best in Show Winners
Ch Amakhosi Springbok Siege (2009)
Ch Amashutu Adalard
Gr Ch Amberidge Wcr Wendel
Gr Ch Bearstar Chilean Willow (B) (1993)
Gr Ch Bearstar Doulen Ko ET
Ch Bearstar White Banyon
Ch Bulawayo Kulu (Qld 1st male 1998)
Ch/Am Ch Ch Calico Ridge Commander Cody
Gr Ch Caprivi Asgood As Itgets ET
Gr Ch Caprivi Cool Hand Luke
Ch Chilolo EB Show No Mercy (2009)
Ch Chilolo Texas Red
Ch Elangeni Dream Run (2009)
Ch Elangeni Elvis
Ch Groberspals Majumba
Ch Groberspals Kane J
Gr Ch Isiko Sipollo CDX
Gr Ch Kargnieulan I'm Too Win
Gr Ch Kinshasa Special K
Ch L'Willows Moonlover
Ch L'Willows Moonshine
Ch Macumazahn Donatello ET
Ch Mzilikazi Veldt Storm
Gr Ch Nkazimlo Amadoda
Ch Nkazimlo Brown By Design (Feb 2009)
Ch Nkazimlo Khala (B) (1993)
Ch Nkazimlo Umlingo
Ch Ozrhode Ari Mystic Fate ET
Gr Ch Riginal Lightnin Jack ET
Gr Ch Rijstone What A Cheek (Aug 2009)
Ch Rothridge Red Panther (B) (2000)
Gr Ch Starridge African Knight ET
Ch Ujamaa Satisfaction
Ch Usakose Master Copy
Ch Usakose Social Standing (B) (Aust 1st bitch 1992)
Ch Usakose Too Hot To Tango (AI)
Ch Vishala Kabangisa
Ch Zimbablooba Green Machine
Gr Ch Bearstar Chilean Willow (B)
Ch Bilum Waratah ET
Ch Caprivi Cool Hand Luke
Ch Caprivi Inside Edge CDX ADX ET
Gr Ch Caprivi Witching Hour (B)
Ch Chilolo EB Show No Mercy
Ch Groberspals Be Fair
Ch Jomeja Viking Bwana
Ch Mzilakazi Cashasu
Ch Rothridge Red Panther
Ch Trezridge Uekoto CD
Gr Ch Skiska Solitaire Jest
Gr Ch Skiska Warrior Princess (B)
Ch Ozrhode Ari Mystic Fate
Ch Ujamaa Comanche
Ch Ujamaa Fauve - Kennel Club of Tasmania 1991
Ch Umkimzulu Navaho Warrior (AI)
Ch Usakose A Bit of Heaven
Runner-Up Best in Show Winners
Ch Amashutu Chamba ET (B)
Ch Apanina Makoma Razor
Gr Ch Bearstar Chilean Willow (B)
Gr Ch Bearstar Doulen Ko ET
Gr Ch Bearstar Ko CD
Ch Bullawayo Kulu
Gr Ch Caprivi Asgood As Itgets ET (3)
Ch Caprivi Lex Luther (2)
Ch Caprivi Vanilla Sky
Ch Caprivi Witching Hour
Ch Elangeni Elvis
Ch Elangeni Dream Run (x2)
Ch Jomeja Viking Bwana
Gr Ch Kargnieulan Im Too Win
Ch Kargnieulan Safari Boy
Ch Kinshasa Special K
Ch Kodust Meistons Diesel
Ch Lasimba Heart Throb
Gr Ch Lasimba Stand N Deliver
Ch L'Willows Moonlover
Ch Ravvar Thalia Danae (B)
Ch Makimba Mzulu
Ch Matapos Blairmhor
Ch Mzilakazi Veldt Storm
Ch Nunridge Evolution
Ch Riginal SV Harley N Rose AI - 2009 - Judge Mrs S Rickard
Ch Sarula Maswazi 1/5/06 - Judge Mr R Bell (Vic)
Ch Shelridge Avant Garde ET (x3)
Gr Ch Skiska Cherokee Princess (B) 20/7/02 - Judge Mrs B Hession
Gr Ch Skiska Warrior Princess (B)
Ch Sixemm Fashion Model (B)
Ch Nkazimlo Mnandi
Ch Usakose Gizmos Design ET
Ch Usakose Too Hot To Tango (AI)
Ch Macumazahn Leonardo
Ch Nkzimlo Khala (x2)
Gr Ch Skiska Warrior Princess (B)
Ch Ujamaa Fauve 1991
Ch Caprivi Not My First Rodeo (AI)
Ch Caprivi Praise Be (AI) (2)
Sup Ch Caprivi Run The Gauntlet (5)
Opposite Sex to Best in Show Winners
Ch Trezridge Tembu CD ET